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What does Ric cover?Our first product to market will be a rainfall solution and then a windspeed solution. For those living in coastal areas we recommend bundling rainfall with windspeed to create more comprehensive coverage.
When would I qualify for a payout?We use a proprietary model leveraging over a hundred years of rainfall data to determine each customer's unique policy trigger and measure local weather stations in real-time to determine if your policy has been activated.
I see the funds in my bank account, what can I use it for?Use the money for any catastrophe-related expenses, such as: Living Expenses Missed Wages Replacing Broken Items Home Repairs Moving Costs Condominium Loss Assessments Child/Elder Care
I can see the water from my house, does it cost me more?Nope. It's still only $14/month.
$10,000 covers my financial losses, what about the rest of my house?We have an extensive network of flood insurance providers, contact us and we can put you in touch with a flood broker local to you.
Can I buy Ric solutions if I already have insurance?Yes. You can use Ric payouts to cover expenses excluded from traditional policies. We are listing below the most common exclusions but you should also consult your policy as it may have more than we outline below. Additional living expenses, such as temporary housing, while the building is being repaired or is unable to be occupied Loss of use or access to the insured property Financial losses caused by business interruption Property and belongings outside of an insured building, such as trees, plants, wells, septic systems, walks, decks, patios, fences, seawalls, hot tubs, and swimming pools Currency, precious metals, and valuable papers, such as stock certificates Most self-propelled vehicles, such as cars, including their parts Federal flood insurance coverage is also capped at $250,000 per building and $100,000 for contents, though you can purchase policies with lower limits.
I rent my apt on the 10th floor, do I need this?Yes. When major weather events happen, utilities, roads, and life in general is disrupted. Payouts can be used to cover the financial loss you experience even if your stuff is staying dry on the 10th floor.
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